The team at BETC includes staff, an artistic ensemble, and a board of directors. Ensemble members are professional, experienced local actors, directors, designers, and technicians; their voices help to shape the direction and vision of BETC’s artistic work. Staff, ensemble, and board members alike represent BETC within the larger metropolitan community, and are advocates for our mission, vision, and values.
Mark Ragan, Managing Director
Jessica Robblee, Producing Artistic Director
Margot Crowe, Development Director
Heather Sullivan, Operations Director
Heather Beasley, Writers Group Manager
Lauri McNown, President
Rob Miles, Vice President
Starla Doyal, Secretary
Erika Mori, Treasurer
Elizabeth Barrekette
Betsy Jordan Hand
K.J. McCorry
Mark Meyer
Sue Rehak
Becca Vaclavik
Katie Zoss
Advisory Council
Nan Barnett
Elizabeth Dowd
Idris Goodwin
Lauren Gunderson
Noel Hefty
Karolynn Lestrud
Sacha Millstone
Paul Repetto
David Valdes
Ronny Wells
Tina Anderson
Casey Andree
Heather Beasley
Amy Helen Cole
Anastasia Davidson
Adrian Egolf
Josh Hartwell
Jim Hunt
Candace Joice
Chris Kendall
Karen LaMoureaux
Rodney Lizcano
Billie McBride
Andrew Metzroth
Jihad Milhem
Michael Morgan
Erika Mori
Ron Mueller
Chip Persons
Lindsey Pierce
Rebecca Remaly
Anne Sandoe
Brian Shea
Luke Sorge
Colin D. Young