Join us Friday, 8/28,at 8:30 p.m. MDT for a conversation with the creative team. Click here to join (Zoom Meeting ID: 835 1370 1462).
Check out this BETC exclusive video interview with playwright Steven Dietz!
Before you stream the production, watch this 6-minute video about the play and how BETC mounted this production during the pandemic.
The Nina Variations is included in the BETC Fall 2020 Membership. Sign up today!
Season Benefactors: Noel & Terry Hefty and Karolynn Lestrud
Season Partners: Paul Repetto & Janet Pyle
Producing Partners: Diana & Mike Kinsey
Artist Sponsors: Ann Bateson & Frank Everts, Rachel Clark, Ginny Corsi & Mary Backlund, Marla Corwin & Les Crispelle, Linda & Chris Hansen, Ann & Russell Hayes, Jean Hodges, Lauri & Robert McNown, Sally Powell-Ashby, Rena & Ronny Wells
Colorado native Steven Dietz reimagines Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull and its star-crossed lovers, Nina and Treplev. Dietz reinvigorates the play’s final scene in 43 alternative versions as the characters puzzle out what love is, whether they’re in it, and how to escape from it. Featuring ten local actors depicting these variations on Nina and Treplev, this first-of-its-kind theatrical production was recorded in June/July 2020 at BETC East Studios.
Director/Producer: Stephen Weitz
Assistant Producer/Editor: Adrian Egolf
Assistant Producer/Editor: Luke Sorge
Dramaturg: Heather Beasley
NINA: Heather Doris (sponsored by Lauri & Robert McNown)
TREPLEV: Casey Andree (sponsored by Ann Bateson & Frank Everts)
NINA: Tresha Farris (sponsored by Linda & Chris Hansen)
TREPLEV: Sean Michael Cummings (sponsored by Linda & Chris Hansen)
NINA: Jim Hunt (sponsored by Jean Hodges)
TREPLEV: Josh Hartwell (sponsored by Marla Corwin & Les Crispelle)
NINA: Chloe McLeod (sponsored by Sally Powell-Ashby)
TREPLEV: Susannah McLeod (sponsored by Rachel Clark)
NINA: Luke Sorge (sponsored by Rena & Ronny Wells)
TREPLEV: Adrian Egolf (sponsored by Ann & Russell Hayes)