Season Benefactor (limited to one per season) – $30,000
Champion a season of the best theatrical productions and programs in Colorado and you will receive:
- Exclusive opportunity
- Season Benefactor designation on front cover, title page, and sponsor page of our season’s major playbills.
- Season Benefactor designation on our season’s major production posters, lobby signage, and rack cards.
- Season Benefactor designation on all pages of betc.org.
- Season Benefactor designation on all BETC marketing emails.
- Exclusive cocktail hour with select BETC artists for you and four guests.*
- Exclusive opportunity for a behind-the-scenes tour for you and four guests.
- Verbal acknowledgment as Season Benefactor in all season pre-show curtain speeches.
- Visual acknowledgment as Season Benefactor during pre-show video in theatre (as available).
- Opportunity to meet and mingle with BETC actors, producers, and guests at post-performance opening night VIP receptions.
- Invitations for four to all VIP receptions and events throughout the year, including annual gala*
- Twenty tickets to be used at your discretion throughout the season.*
- Personalized Season Benefactor name badges.
Season Benefactor tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $28,430 or $30,000 if non-deductible benefits (*) are waived.
Season Partner (limited to two per season) – $15,000
Partner with BETC to create an outstanding season of the best theatrical productions and programs in Colorado and you will receive:
- Season Partner designation on the front cover, title page, and sponsor page of our season’s major playbills.
- Season Partner designation on all our season’s posters and lobby signage.
- Season Partner designation on all pages of betc.org.
- Season Partner designation on all BETC marketing emails.
- Verbal acknowledgment as Season Partner in all season pre-show curtain speeches.
- Visual acknowledgment as Season Partner during pre-show video in theatre (as available).
- Opportunity to meet and mingle with BETC actors, producers, and guests at post-performance opening night VIP receptions.
- Invitations for two to select VIP receptions and events throughout the year.*
- Ten tickets to be used at your discretion throughout the season.*
Season Partner tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $14,465 or $15,000 if non-deductible benefits (*) are waived.
Production Partner (limited to two per production) – $5,000
Partner with BETC to produce an extraordinary production, and you will receive:
- Production Partner designation on the title page of the sponsored production playbills.
- Production Partner designation on sponsored production poster, lobby signage, and rack cards.
- Production Partner designation in banner on front cover of the sponsored production playbills.
- Production Partner designation on sponsored production’s page on betc.org.
- Verbal acknowledgment as Production Partner in sponsored production pre-show curtain speeches.
- Visual acknowledgement as Production Partner of sponsored production during pre-show video in theatre (as available).
- Opportunity to meet and mingle with BETC actors, producers, and guests at sponsored production post-performance opening night VIP receptions.
- Invitations for two to select VIP receptions and events throughout the year.*
- Eight tickets to be used at your discretion for the sponsored production.*
Production Partner tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $4,582 or $5,000 if non-deductible benefits (*) are waived.
Artist Sponsor – $1,000
Support our amazing BETC artists and you will receive:
- Artist Sponsor designation listed in the sponsored production playbills.
- Artist Sponsor designation listed on sponsored production page of betc.org.
- Visual acknowledgement as Artist Sponsor during pre-show video in theatre (as available).
- Opportunity to meet and mingle with BETC actors, producers, and guests at sponsored production post-performance opening night VIP receptions.
- Invitations for two to select VIP receptions and events throughout the year.*
- Four tickets to be used at your discretion for the sponsored production.*
- Artist Sponsor tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $766 or $1,000 if non-deductible benefits (*) are waived.
- For information about other sponsorship opportunities, please call or email for detailed information.
*Individual Sponsorships are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and therefore do not contain any advertising opportunities.
Ready to make wonderful theatre?
Contact Development Director Margot Crowe at margot.crowe@betc.org or (720) 840-8261.