Betsy Jordan Hand (Board Member) moved from Greenwich, CT to Boulder with her husband Albert after retiring in 2004, and never looked
back! They have two daughters and four of their seven grandchildren in Lafayette and Denver. Boulder was a retirement destination for Betsy ever since she visited her daughter at CU and discovered the amazing resources of this college town, including the Conference on World Affairs.
Betsy has been engaged in community building through politics and the arts throughout her adult life. She campaigned for John Lindsay for Mayor of NYC, trained elementary school youngsters in video production, co-founded a video production company for cable TV, supported minority business-people in both New York City and Los Angeles, promoted the lively lower Manhattan South Street Seaport Museum, headed up the Greenwich League of Women Voters, and finally directed the Greenwich Arts Council where she led a campaign to renovate the Greenwich Arts Gallery in the old town hall. Betsy initiated a program that has been bringing art into the storefronts along tony Greenwich Avenue for more than 25 years.
In Boulder, Betsy has been involved with transportation issues through the Sierra Club, joined the board of Turning the Wheel Productions, and more recently played leadership roles in the Conference on World Affairs. Both Albert and Betsy have been passionate supporters of BETC, watching it grow and flourish over many years. Betsy looks forward to serving on the BETC Board.