Mitch Slevc has been writing, producing, and performing in Denver for 20+ years, mostly with Buntport Theater for young audiences. These days he can be regularly seen as Foxy Fox: Art Detective at the Denver Art Museum, and making things explode at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. He is thrilled to be a part of King Penny, making silly noises for a bunch of silly people is a lifelong dream come true!
And now, meet Lamont “Foofaraw” Burtt (Mitch’s “King Penny” character)…
“Foofaraw” Burtt spent years touring the country as a one-man-band to the resounding indifference of audiences everywhere. One day he fell down a flight of stairs and got a standing ovation. That’s when he realized his true calling was sound effects… unless… you want to hear a song? …no?